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June 16, 2014

ICEH will participate on the 2014 Partners' Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) is an alliance of more than 500 institutions from different countries working in the promotion of the health of women and children. On June 30, 2014, a meeting between members of the PMNCH will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The objective of this meeting is to align institutional effects towards the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of improving maternal health and reducing child mortality. Cesar Victora

June 05, 2014

Prof Aluisio Barros visits Stockholm to present at the the Annual Workshop of the International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health

On 12-13 June 2014, the International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health (INRICH) will promote the 6th Annual Workshop at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm - Sweden. The INRICH brings together researchers from different fields of study such as social scientists and epidemiologists who are determined to establish priorities and policies to promote health equity through evidence-based research and knowledge building. Representatives from different countries such as Canada

February 13, 2014

Aluisio Barros visits Peru to work on the Countdown case study

Peru researchers led by Dr Luis Huicho are working on a Countdown case study for the country aiming to show trends in coverage of key interventions to improve health of women and children and studying how equity in the distribution of such interventions has evolved since the 1990's. The work also involves analyses of policies and regional differences.  ICEH's Aluisio Barros made a technical visit to the group on 4-6 February to help develop the analysis strategies and refine the

July 04, 2013

New handbook on health inequality monitoring

WHO has just released an extremely useful tool - a new Handbook on Health Inequality Monitoring (with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries). The handbook was organized by Dr Ahmad Hosseinpoor, WHO.  The great merit of this book is to put together the theoretical bits needed for equity analyses within a framework of inequality monitoring. So, the reader has a very clear route to follow when doing the actual work.  The ICEH is proud to have contributed to the de

June 23, 2013

International Center for Equity in Health holds Countdown to 2015 workshop

Today (06/21) ends the workshop Countdown to 2015: Capacity Building Workshop on the Analysis of Coverage and Equity Data, conducted by the International Center for Equity in Health in support of the Countdown to 2015 initiative. From 17 to 21 June, representatives from eight countries participated in the scientific program organized daily in theoretical and practical sessions on data analysis with a focus on equity and health coverage. The scientific-technical cooperation provided to ei

June 03, 2013

Measuring Coverage in MNCH: Determining and Interpreting Inequalities in Coverage of Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Interventions

To monitor progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, it is essential to monitor the coverage of health interventions in subgroups of the population, because national averages can hide important inequalities. The review published recently in Plos Med provides a practical guide to measuring and interpreting inequalities based on surveys carried out in low- and middle-income countries, with a focus on the health of mothers and children. Relevant stratification variables include urban/rural

June 03, 2013

Equity Analyses and Profiles

National data on coverage levels often hide important disparities among population subgroups. Inequities in health have several dimensions, including socioeconomic position, gender, place of residence, and ethnic group.  Mothers and children belonging to disadvantaged groups are less likely to receive essential preventive and curative interventions, and as a result show higher morbidity and mortality.  Improving equity is essential for achieving the health-related Millennium De

May 27, 2013

2013 Countdown Accountability for Maternal, Newborn & Child Survival

The 2013 Update, highlights country achievements in increasing coverage of key interventions, and identify remaining challenges many countries face in reaching all women and children with life-saving services. It includes one-page country profiles, for each of the 75 countries where more than 95% of all maternal and child deaths occur, that focus on the core indicators selected in 2011 by the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health, encompassing key