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September 19, 2016

Missed opportunities in full immunization coverage

An estimated 23 million infants are still not being benefitted from routine immunization services. We assessed how many children failed to be fully immunized even though they or their mothers were in contact with health services to receive other interventions. More    

August 24, 2016

Child health interventions - are we on the path to universal coverage?

Prof. Barros will be speaking  at the International Pediatric Association (IPA 2016) Congress, which will be held in Vancouver - Canada. He will presente the lecture “Child health interventions - are we on the path to universal coverage?

July 09, 2016

Masters and PhD Program in Epidemiology - focus on Health Inequalities

The Postgraduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), through the financing of the Wellcome Trust Foundation offers scholarships for Latin American students (except Brazil) interested in research focusing on promoting equity in maternal and child health. The grants are targeted especially for the master, but could exceptionally be meant for a doctorate. More information is available at:Epidemiologia-UFPel    

June 25, 2016

Inequalities in the coverage of place of delivery and skilled birth attendance

BACKGROUND: Having a health worker with midwifery skills present at delivery is one of the key interventions to reduce maternal and newborn mortality. We sought to estimate the frequencies of (a) skilled birth attendant coverage, (b) institutional delivery, and (c) the combination of place of delivery and type of attendant, in LMICs. METHODS: National surveys (DHS and MICS) performed in 80 LMICs since 2005 were analyzed to estimate these four categories of delivery care. Results were stratified

June 22, 2016

The team of ICEH took part in The Epidemiology Congress of the America in Miami

The presentatios from ICEH: Socioeconomic and urban/rural inequalities in maternal and child health indicators in 98 low and middle-income countries. Composite coverage index and cocoverage: how can we make the best use of them? Inequalities in the access to medicines for chronic diseases in Brazil. Levels and trends in inequalities in full immunization coverage: findings from low- and middle-income countries. Inequalities in the coverage of skilled birth attendance in low and midd

June 20, 2016

Expert Convening on Conceptual Model for Empowerment of Women and Girls

The team coordinated by Sarah Hendrix from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation promotes a convening in Seattle - June 21st – 22nd , in order to discuss a proposal of conceptual model for study and research on empowerment of women and girls. The team coordinated by Sarah Hendrix from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation promotes a convening in Seattle - June 21st – 22nd , in order to discuss a proposal of conceptual model for study and research on emp

May 17, 2016

Peru has made substantial progress in reducing neonatal and under-5 mortality, and child stunting

The paper from  Huicho and colleagues describes progress in reducing neonatal and under-5 mortality, and child stunting in Peru. This country is a good example of how a combination of political will, economic growth, broad societal participation, strategies focused on poor people, and increased spending in health and related sectors can achieve signifi cant progress in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health. The remaining challenges include continuing to address inequalitie

May 02, 2016

Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect

High-income countries have shorter breastfeeding duration than do low-income and middle-income countries. However, even in low-income and middle-income countries, only 37% of infants younger than 6 months are exclusively breastfed. The paper in English can be accessed on Lancet website.