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September 09, 2022

Maternal and child health in Sub-Saharan African: poor populations residing in urban areas of the most populous cities in Sub-Saharan Africa

ICEH researchers – Cauane Blumenberg and Leonardo Ferreira, participated in a Workshop promoted by the Countdown to 2030 and African Population & Health Research Center.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the content of articles that will be part of a supplement for the Journal of Urban Health, on maternal and child health in Sub-Saharan African populations. Unlike other works carried out by the ICEH, which rely on national estimates from population-based surveys, the geographical scope of these works will be the poor populations residing in urban areas of the most populous cities in Sub-Saharan Africa.

During the event, three articles were presented that contained analyzes of multiple cities, one led by Agbessi Amouzou (JHU) and two others by ICEH researchers (Cauane Blumenberg and Fernando Wehrmeister/Leonardo Ferreira). In addition to these, nine other representatives presented articles from specific cities from Burkina Faso, Uganda, Tanzania , Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia and Mali.

The main motivation of this project is to know the impacts caused by urbanization and migration happening in Sub-Saharan African cities. In general, the articles show that the rapid and high urbanization has not been accompanied by an adequate structure of health care and financial opportunities. Thus, the urban poor populations tend to have worse health conditions and difficulties in accessing health services, often worse than those living in rural areas.