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March 08, 2018

Demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods among sexually active women in low- and middle-income countries: who is lagging behind?

Universal access to sexual and reproductive health is key for sustainable development. However, the family planning literature is mainly restricted to women that are married or in a union, so that non-partnered women (especially adolescents) remain overlooked. In this paper we provide further and timely insight on the status of global demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods (mDFPS) among all sexually active women. Using data from 77 low- and middle-income countries, we showed

February 27, 2018

The Inverse Equity Hypothesis

"The inverse equity hypothesis was based both on Tudor Hart’s inverse equity law and on Rogers’s theory of diffusion of innovations, according to which early adopters include families with greater access to information and to the resources required, in this case for institutional childbirth. To test the inverse equity hypothesis, we analyzed the proportion of births occurring in a health facility by wealth quintile in 286 surveys from 89 low- and middle-income countrie

January 29, 2018

Improving the measurement of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition - It's the 2017 report launched by Countdown to 2030

Improving the measurement of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition - It's the 2017 report launched by Countdown to 2030 ICEH members will participate of a scientific meeting in Stellenbosch, South Africa, January 29-February 1 2018. The objectives of the meeting are (1) to take stock of the current practices, advances and critical issues in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH&N) measurement, and (2) to

December 04, 2017

"Analytical workshop on the continuum of care for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition" , at the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), in Nairobi on 27 Nov-1 Dec 2017.

The workshop organized by the Countdown to 2030 is the first official activity of the Eastern and Southern Africa regional collaboration that will coordinate activities related to monitoring SDG goals in the region. Nearly 50 participants from 18 countries participated in the workshop which focused on coverage indicators along the continuum of care, health equity, and planning the activities for the collaboration in the next 12 months. A team of 10 facilitators, coordinated by Dr Ties Boerma fro

November 28, 2017

State of World Population 2017 - UNFPA report

“She was born to a poor family, in a rural community, in a poor country. Unlike her brother or her more affluent relatives in the city, she is poised to be left behind by a world that is surging forward.” This history is shared by millions of girls and women around the globe, which is highlighted in “The State of World Population 2017” report, annually published by the United Nations Population Fund. The report is focused on inequalities, especially in terms of soci

November 09, 2017

Health Inequalities

Health inequalities were a prominent theme among the debates that took place at the X Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology (Florianópolis, 2017). During the section "How to confront health inequalities: global public policy experiences", Professor Cesar Victora presented a panorama of 15 years of work by Countdown, an international and independent monitoring initiative on maternal and child health in the 81 countries with the lowest index of development. Check out the full a

November 04, 2017

Measuring inequalities in health: mini-course given by the ICEH team

Participants of the course "MEASURING INEQUALITIES IN HEALTH" positively evaluated the content, dynamics and practical classes. The course was part of the activities of the X Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology (Florianópolis - 2017) and, in the opinion of the students, only the reduced number of hours was a negative point. During the course, the main indicators used to measure child's health inequalities, data visualization tools and strategies, as well as simple and comp

November 04, 2017

Gairdner Global Health Award Ceremony

  Professor Cesar Victora received the Gairdner Global Health Award at an official ceremony of the Gairdner Foundation. The ceremony took place on October 26, 2017, at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.   The Gairdner Award, Canada's most important scientific award and one of the most respected in the field of health sciences in the world, distinguishes seven scientists annually for their contributions to research in medicine and global health. The winners of the 2017 ed