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June 05, 2018

First World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health (MERH) 2018

The congress was held from the 17th – 19th May in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, under the auspices of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), the University of Edinburgh and National Health Service Scotland in close collaboration with experts and organizations (including International Organization for Migration and World Health Organization) from other regions of the world (http://www.merhcongress.com/). The European Journal of Public Health supplement (Volume 28, Issue suppl_1, 1 May 2

May 23, 2018

Absolute income is a better predictor of coverage by skilled birth attendance than relative wealth quintiles in a multicountry analysis: comparison of 100 low- and middle-income countries

Having high-quality data available by 2020, disaggregated by income, is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD). However, few low and middle-income countries (LMICs) collect systematic data on household income. In this paper, we used a new approach based on the combination of aggregate data on income at country level and income inequality as well as micro-data on relative wealth to assess the extent to which income differentials can predict skilled birth attendance (SBA) and institutio

April 24, 2018

EPITER - Scholarship

The postdoctoral researcher Carolina Coll was the winner of the EPITER Best Communication Award and Scholarship in Field Epidemiology to attend the European Congress of Epidemiology 2018 to be held in Lyon (France), next July. The scholarship was offered by the EPITER Association, a co-organizer of the event, who intends to support and promote field epidemiology for early career researchers. During the event, Carolina will present about her work and research entitled “Demand for family pla

April 13, 2018

Strengthening Analysis and Evidence for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH&N): Countdown to 2030 Workshop

The Countdown to 2030 initiative in collaboration with the West African Health Organization (WAHO), World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, UNFPA and APHRC organized the first workshop to strengthen the analytical capacity for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health & Nutrition in West and Central African countries. It is the first activity of a regional collaboration that will coordinate activities related to monitoring SDG goals in the region. The advance

April 09, 2018

Dr. Alejandra Balandran visited the ICEH

From March 19 to 23, the Director of Structure and Resources for the Sectorial Master Plan of the Ministry of Health of Mexico, Dr. Alejandra Balandrán, visited the ICEH to work on a series of equity analysis on screening of health services indicators using two national Mexican surveys. Were analyzed five indicators related to the use of screening health services in populations at risk of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, prostate cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer.

March 08, 2018

Countdown to 2030 launches its first report of the SDGs era

Countdown to 2030 has just launched its first report of SDGs era at a meeting in Stellenbosch, South Africa, on 31th January. In light of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals and Every Woman Every Child Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health (2016–2030), the report summarizes data on current situation and trends in women’s, children’s and adolescent’s health for the 81 countries that account for 95% of all maternal d

March 08, 2018

Demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods among sexually active women in low- and middle-income countries: who is lagging behind?

Universal access to sexual and reproductive health is key for sustainable development. However, the family planning literature is mainly restricted to women that are married or in a union, so that non-partnered women (especially adolescents) remain overlooked. In this paper we provide further and timely insight on the status of global demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods (mDFPS) among all sexually active women. Using data from 77 low- and middle-income countries, we showed

February 27, 2018

The Inverse Equity Hypothesis

"The inverse equity hypothesis was based both on Tudor Hart’s inverse equity law and on Rogers’s theory of diffusion of innovations, according to which early adopters include families with greater access to information and to the resources required, in this case for institutional childbirth. To test the inverse equity hypothesis, we analyzed the proportion of births occurring in a health facility by wealth quintile in 286 surveys from 89 low- and middle-income countrie