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September 26, 2018

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation visits UFPel's Epidemiological Research Center

Nutrition and maternal and child health experts from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation visited the Epidemiological Research Center of the Federal University of Pelotas (CPE-UFPel) on 30 and 31 August to attend a series of meetings with the research group led by epidemiologist Cesar Victora. Sindura Ganapathi is a project analyst at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where she manages funding projects in the area of maternal and child health with a focus on solutions to health proble

September 26, 2018

Aluisio Barros is a special highlight of the Gaucho Researcher Award 2018

Epidemiologist Aluisio Barros, from the Post-graduate Program in Epidemiology at UFPel, is the winner of the 2018 Gaúcho Researcher Award in special highlight "Science for the Reduction of Inequalities" modality. This is the eighth edition of the award, promoted by the Foundation for State Research Support (FAPERGS), with the objective of recognizing the work of researchers in the most diverse areas of knowledge. The award received by Professor Aluisio

September 25, 2018

2nd Data Analysis Workshop to strengthening analysis and evidence for RMNCAH in West and Central Africa

During September 24th and 28th, the "2nd Data Analysis Workshop to strengthening analysis and evidence for RMNCAH in West and Central Africa" is being conducted in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast. This is an activity leaded by the Countdown 2030 Initiative with the collaboration of the International Center for Equity in Health (ICEH) of the Federal University of Pelotas, World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNFPA and West African Health Organization. Fernando Wehrmeister and In&

August 28, 2018

Haiti Case Study

Between August 20th and 24th, the workshop on Haiti's case study, promoted by Countdown to 2030, was held at the International Center for Equity in Health. Participating in the event were Professor Aluísio Barros, Gary Joseph, Luis Paulo Vidaletti, Luis Huicho, Oscar Mujica and Robert Barrais. At the event, topics related to the major health programs and policies conducted in Haiti from the 1980s to 2017 were discussed. The last five DHS surveys conducted in the country from 1994 t

August 07, 2018

12th Brazilian Congress of Public Health

The staff from International Center for Equity in Health at UFPel has presented several papers in the 12th Brazilian Congress of Public Health, which took place in the city of Rio de Janeiro, between July 26-28th of 2018. The papers were distributed between the differente theme axis at the event, although all of the papers highlit questions related to equity in health. It is possible to access the event proceedings at http://www.saudecoletiva.org.br/index.php  

July 18, 2018

Expert group workshop on women's empowerment in the LAC region

The inclusion of gender equality and the empowerment of gender equality and all women and girls as an explicit goal (Goal 5) within the Sustainable Development Goals, reflects the fact that, over the past 20 years, progress has been achieved but more slowly than desirable and at an uneven pace, with large differences between and within countries, especially in different wealth groups.1 To overcome the lack of comparable individual-level measures, the Survey-based Women’s Empowerment Ind

July 18, 2018

2nd Countdown to 2030 capacity building workshop in Kenya

From 9 to 13 of July, in Naivasha, Kenya, the second Countdown to 2030 workshop for the Eastern and Southern African region was held by the African Population and Health Research Center in collaboration with the World Health Organization and UNICEF. The analytical workshop was entitled “Leaving no woman and no chld behind: levels and trends in inequalities for RMNCH by wealth, urban-rural residence, and administrative area” aimed to develop capacity building and comprehensive country

June 08, 2018

ICEH researcher participates in a workshop about inequalities on maternal and neonatal health in Guatemala

Fernando C. Wehrmeister, researcher from the International Centre for Equity in Health (ICEH) from UFPel, participated in the first edition of the workshop “Mejorando la Salud Materna y Neonatal: Un taller de liderazgo para América Latina y el Caribe”, between May 27 and June 1, in Antigua, Guatemala. Coordinated by the Instituto de Salud Global (ISGlobal) from Barcelona, the event had the collaboration of the Maternal Health Task Force (Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Hea