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December 04, 2017

"Analytical workshop on the continuum of care for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition" , at the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), in Nairobi on 27 Nov-1 Dec 2017.

Analytical workshop on the continuum of care for RMNCH+A Health and Nutrition

The workshop organized by the Countdown to 2030 is the first official activity of the Eastern and Southern Africa regional collaboration that will coordinate activities related to monitoring SDG goals in the region. Nearly 50 participants from 18 countries participated in the workshop which focused on coverage indicators along the continuum of care, health equity, and planning the activities for the collaboration in the next 12 months. A team of 10 facilitators, coordinated by Dr Ties Boerma from Univ of Manitoba made a great job of running the workshop and assuring participants profited the most. From the ICEH, Prof. Aluisio Barros coordinate the health equity sessions, where the participants worked concepts related to health inequities and inequalities, learned how to produce equiplots, calculate inequality measures and how to assess and present inequality trend analyses.


Angola - Botswana  - Burundi - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenya - Lesotho - Malawi - Mozambique - Namibia Rwanda - South Africa - South Sudan - Swaziland - Tanzania - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe